I started my path working in human services in 2007. I worked as in home support for a boy on the Ausitm Spectrum. I would help him with his morning routine to get ready for school. It was my first introduction to supporting others as a hired aide and working with neurodiverse people.
From 2008-2023 I worked for the Exceptional Children’s Foundation a non-profit organization in Los Angeles, California, at their ECF Art Centers, day programs/art studios for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. I first worked as an Art Instructor as a direct service staff, then as a Program Supervisor and finally I moved into the role of Program Director from 2016-2023. As Program Director I oversaw the five art studio programs, over 200 artists and 45 staff members. Being based in Los Angeles County I had the opportunity to collaborate and work with four of our local regional centers.
In 2020 I started the certification process to become a Trainer in Person Centered Thinking from The Learning Community for Person Centered Planning. Having worked in human services and day programs for many years, I thought I knew what person centered thinking was….. as you may guess, I was wrong. Being able to study the skills and concepts of person centered planning I began finding more ways these skills are life skills, not just for use at work, but also with my kids and in my personal life too. I helped to transform the new staff training curriculum and IPP paperwork at the ECF Art Centers to be more in line with person centered thinking skills, to including more opportunities for ECF artists to be engaged in the process and shaping their trajectory.
I so much believe in the person centered thinking skills that I am now a consultant! Through my most recent work training, leading and mentoring, I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t work in regards to the PCT curriculum. Through my trainings I am always striving to maximize engagement and retention of materials and to include people of all abilities. For more info about Trainings check out the “Training” page in the menu bar above.
Outside of my career, my husband and I have two school age boys, a dog, a hamster and a couple chickens. We have a garden in our backyard where I try to grow as many vegetables as I can, but I am still honing my gardening skills. My family and I try to go camping at least once a year to hike, fish, collect rocks and sleep under the stars.
Focus Areas
Trainer Certifications
Person Centered Description