Find a Mentor

Our Member Directory will help you search for trainers in our network who are certified to deliver training according to credentialing standards co-created within TLCPCP by volunteers. Use the search feature to search broadly or to narrow a search using available criteria. You are also invited to set up an account on this website and post an announcement outlining your training needs and desire to hire a trainer.

It is important to understand that TLCPCP is a community of practice and does not provide training itself or profit in any way from training that uses its materials. Please also note that the term TRAINER refers to those who are credentialed to deliver a specific training curriculum. Additionally, the term MENTOR TRAINER is a designation for those who can also train other trainers in the delivery of a given curricula.

If you wish to become a trainer yourself or have that capacity in your organization, you will need to contact a Mentor Trainer directly. There are many throughout the world. There are trainers and mentors available to do both in-person and remote work. Fees are negotiated directly between you and the trainer you wish to hire. TLCPCP does not recommend specific trainers or mentors.

If you have a question about credentialling or need more help, please contact us. Good luck!

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