Families Planning Together is a training curriculum co-created over time within TLCPCP. It is specifically designed by and for family members of people with disabilities so that they can teach other family members about person centered thinking and planning.
Each and every one of us is part of a family. Families are born and families are chosen. Families shape who we are and we shape who our family members are and who they become. People who experience life with disabilities are no different. They are loved. They are adored. They are shaped by their families and they shape their families.
Families Planning Together is a curriculum designed specifically for people who are family members of people living with a disability by people who are family members. All Family Planning Together (FPT) trainers are family members themselves or they co-train with someone who is a family member of a person with a disability. The training is designed to support family members to step back and view their loved one and the supports their loved one needs through the lens of admirable qualities and Important TO/Important FOR. The training offers easy to use skills and tools utilizing the years of collected knowledge and wisdom families have gained and freeing them to imagine the possibilities for their loved one.
Use our find a trainer feature to locate a FPT trainer or training for your area.